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Our prayer for you is that you have been safe, cautious, and healthy through this time, but since the quarantine, we have been planning and processing how our Sunday Worship Experiences would look


From rolling out our three-phase plan, having seating restrictions, pre-registrations and health screening questions. Temp checks, sanitization, kids limitations. Although it was difficult at first, it made us better, and helped us put in place the necessary systems to ensure a safe and healthy experience for our guests moving forward.


On May 28th, Montgomery County removed their Board of Health Regulations, and have lifted all restrictions. You can find more information on that here: Reopening Montgomery County.

Following suit with these new updates and changes, here are the updates that will take effect beginning this Sunday, June 6, 2021 at Highlight Church:

Social Distancing Restrictions:


All social distancing restrictions will be lifted throughout our church including our HL Kids Experiences.



Masks are no longer required for all adults and children. We recommend mask-wearing to continue if you have not been vaccinated, but it is not a requirement to join us for our in-person Worship Experiences.



Pre-registration is no longer in effect for our in-person experiences as well as our HL Kids Experiences.

We invite you to continue to assist in promoting unity within the body, as we all move forward together. We love you and can’t wait to have you back with us each weekend. See you there!

Online Experiences:


If you are not quite ready to re-join us in-person, don’t worry. We will still be holding our Online Experiences every Sunday at 9AM, 10:45AM, 12:30PM, and 8PM.

To join us, please click one of the buttons below!