Looking for More?

God moved in


powerful ways


in 2024!

Over the years God has done some amazing things

here and through Highlight Church, but 2024 was a year

we won’t soon forget. Here is our 2024 Annual Report. 

Let’s talk about True Life!

One of the greatest opportunities we have is to help

people take their next step in their journey with Christ. 


We saw a total of 479 individuals give their life to Jesus across all of our locations in-person as well as online truly changing and transforming their lives forever. Each guest is given a Bible and a list of practical next steps to continue to grow in their faith. 


We had the opportunity to walk alongside 59 individuals as they took their next step in their faith by getting Baptized, proclaiming that Jesus has transformed their lives. It is always an honor to witness, participate, and celebrate those making their public declaration. 

Highlight International

We also saw God move through our church not just locally, but internationally! We were able to send 8 individuals overseas with Hope Project International to help build homes, care for communities, and provide hope to people who needed it the most!

Hope Project helps kids in the areas of nutrition, education, shelter, and spiritual development. Through long-term partnerships with pastors and missionaries, this organization acts as the bridge between the people who want to help and the children who so desperately need it. Hope Project was founded in 2013 by Than and Megan Graffam. Hope Project currently has long-term partners in 3 different countries, two in Central America and one in Southeast Asia.


2024 was also a year where YOU gave above and beyond. As a church, you trusted God with your finances, and together we gave $1,157,754.23! That is a 16% increase in annual giving from 2023. This enables us to continue to make an impact here in our cities and beyond. Families will be restored, people set free, lives forever changed because of your generosity. 

Let’s talk about Vision Fulfilled!

We have a vision here at Highlight Church

20 Locations in 20 years, and in 2024 we went from 1, to 2!

Highlight Church Frederick

One of the most powerful things that took place in 2024, was vision being fulfilled. Because of your generosity we were able to launch our 2nd location Highlight Church Frederick in October.

God has given us the opportunity to now shine the light of Jesus in two cities, two communities across the state of Maryland. 

We have seen God move in so many ways across the 8 years of Highlight Church and we are so thankful, but it also reminds us to continue to look forward. To continue to press into the Vision God has given our church. There are still 18 more locations to build, thousands of lives that have yet to be transformed. The best is truly yet to come. 

Ready to take your next step?

If you’re ready to get involved, want more information, or would like to

speak to a member of our staff, click the button below!