Looking for More?

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We are deeply moved with all God has done through Highlight Church over the past seven years. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude because we know none of it could have been possible without you. People are experiencing true life, and the impact our city has experienced has been the result of what we have been able to accomplish together.


Now we have the opportunity to move into a new city – to reach the innumerable for Jesus. We believe that by faith, God can do anything. Let’s continue shining the light of Jesus so that people can find true life, not only in Gaithersburg, but now in September of 2024, Frederick Maryland. 

Joshua and Kaira Redding

Lead Pastors

Join the Team

Highlight Frederick wouldn’t be possible without you!

As we prepare for launch on September 15, 2024,

we would love for you to partner with us as we

continue to reach the innumerable for Jesus.

Below are a few ways you can do that. 

Become a Superhero

Part of finding True Life at Highlight is making a difference. Super Steps is an afternoon filled with the vision of Highlight, values, culture, & where leaders are birthed. You will be given a personality and spiritual gifts tests to help understand who God has made you to be. After Super Steps you are placed on a Superhero team, and become a Superhero. Join us, take this step of faith and make a difference with us!


Your generosity enables us to make an impact not only in Gaithersburg but also in Frederick as we plan for our 2024 Launch Date. Won’t you join us in investing in the future? Think, more families being restored, more people set free, and more lives forever changed, all because of your generosity. We ask for you to take a step of faith, and partner with us as we believe God for greater in the city of Frederick.